7:31 a.m. A dog that defied description was at large on Ardell Lane.
8:24 a.m. A blue nosed pit bull was loose on Fourth Avenue East in Columbia Falls. It was taken to the shelter.
11:20 a.m. Someone saw a well-dressed man walk into a Kalispell church carrying a rifle. Apparently, the pastor has a BB gun which he uses to shoot vermin and such.
11:23 a.m. Children were heard playing and a dog was panting into the phone during an accidental call to 911.
12:16 p.m. Someone in Columbia Falls called in to see if anyone had found their missing blue nosed pit bull.
2:37 p.m. A county employee reported that an irritated bald man called him a “dumpster Nazi,” among other things.
5:54 p.m. A Kalispell man complained that his ex-girlfriend knows the combination to his lock and breaks into his house when she comes to town. He was advised to change his locks.
7:03 p.m. A Kalispell resident reported that a bunch of “gypsies” were parked in a nearby field, lighting illegal campfires. A deputy was unable to find evidence that anything illegal had occurred.
12:15 a.m. A resident on East Evergreen Drive reported that someone blew up his mailbox. An intoxicated teenager who claimed to have only witnessed the bombing offered to pay for the mailbox. He was driven home to his parents.
3:46 a.m. A Hungry Horse woman reported that the neighbors are tormenting her with fireworks. However, the streets were quiet when a deputy drove through.