By Tim Baldwin
Michael Bloomberg is considering running for President in 2016 as an independent candidate. Studies show that his race will take away votes from the Democratic and Republican candidates, which would make his campaign unique to recent political history in America.
If Ted Cruz or Donald Trump are the Republican candidates and Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders are the Democratic candidates, a large percentage of Americans may prefer to vote for Bloomberg because the current candidates do not represent the core values of most Americans. As Bloomberg said, the candidates are either too far right or left. Looking at Americans who either love or hate Trump, or love or hate Clinton or Sanders, Bloomberg could have a chance – especially since he has $1 billion to spend on the campaign.
Bloomberg favors Democratic stances on social issues like gay marriage, abortion and immigration. He favors Republican stances on issues like international free trade, “War on Drugs” and intervening in the Middle East. He ran as both a Democrat and Republican in his political career.
Specific issues aside, many people vote for Republicans because of the simple belief that they represent a more capitalistic model of government, or the Democrat candidates because they represent a more socialist model of government. Using that approach, if Bloomberg runs as an independent, a majority of Americans could potentially vote for him because he is not Trump-“crazy,” socialist-Sanders and corrupt-Clinton.
By Joe Carbonari
Michael Bloomberg is considering joining the 2016 presidential race as a third-party candidate, making it a three-way race. Thought provoking, but it could be a mess.
Bloomberg, a self-made billionaire, and ex-mayor of New York, will position himself as the centrist, bipartisan savior between the “unacceptables” of the left and of the right … read Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
If Hillary Clinton is nominated, Bloomberg’s rationale for entering is weakened, unless Hillary has been further weakened because of legal/security issues surrounding her emails.
To win, Bloomberg needs to pull most of the Republican votes and at least some of the Democrats’. If Ted Cruz is nominated, Bloomberg’s share should rise. Cruz has been widely characterized as “nasty” by those who know his work. Cruz could be abandoned.
Hillary might well hold the Democrats together enough to win. Bernie Sanders would have a tougher go. Bloomberg would look the safer choice to many.
With a Bernie-Bloomberg-Trump mix anything could happen. Anyone of them could win. We need a national conversation. We voters have a responsibility to try to get this one right. Trump is a dilettante in the political world. We are living in dangerous times. When Trump says “huuuge,” think nuclear.
Michael Bloomberg beats Bernie Sanders by stoking the fears of socialism and international fecklessness. Bernie will be portrayed as impractical economically and worse on security and defense. Whose supporters will organize and vote? It matters.