In 1984, four hunters and avid outdoorsmen from Northwest Montana recognized the need to protect North America’s grandest big game animal, elk.
These men — Bob Munson, Dan Bull, Bill Munson and Charlie Decker — pooled their time, talent and resources and created the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, an organization dedicated to elk, elk hunting and the habitat they need to thrive. The group set up shop in the back room of a trailer house in Troy and created an organization that 30 years later has over 205,000 members whose support has protected and enhanced more than 6.7 million acres of North American wildlife habitat.
Hundreds of thousands of acres are now open for all to hunt, fish and otherwise enjoy through the RMEF’s efforts. The Flathead Valley chapter of the RMEF, which ranks 20th out of all the chapters in terms of support, is hosting its annual banquet in Kalispell on Feb. 20. The event at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Trade Building will feature a cocktail social at 5 p.m. including a silent auction, games and raffles followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and a live auction.
“Money raised at our banquet will go toward on-the-ground conservation and hunting heritage projects here in our own backyard of Montana while also assisting elk and elk country across the nation,” said Keith Perry, chapter co-chair.
Tickets are $70 per person, $105 per couple and $35 for youth 17 years of age and under. Each single and couple ticket includes a yearly RMEF membership and a Bugle magazine subscription.
For ticket information and reservations, contact Kim Wold at 406-257-9110 or e-mail [email protected].