6:35 a.m. A Kalispell woman complained that the dogs down the street are supposed to have bark collars, but she can hear them barking.
7:03 a.m. An employee of a local gas station reported that a known thief had been parked at pump 15 for nearly an hour, worrying other customers.
9:28 a.m. A South Cedar Drive resident reported that the neighborhood dogs are constantly on his property, harassing the cat.
10:58 a.m. An employee of a Coram business has incriminating footage of a man stealing a $12 box of wire connectors.
11:18 a.m. A woman called in reporting that there are turkey, cat, skunk, and an assortment of rodent carcass attached to fence posts along Highway 35. She finds this disturbing.
12:06 p.m. The owner of a Kalispell business reported that a known troublemaker stole several pairs of sunglasses last night.
12:58 p.m. A Martin City woman reported that someone’s sick, stray dog visits her house every evening. Apparently, the dog just looks sickly, but is fine and lives in a home with a broken gate.
2:09 p.m. A man wearing sunglasses and a headlamp was caught trespassing in a business on Fifth Avenue West.
2:25 p.m. A man called from Columbia Falls to report that his landlord evicted him and set his belongings on fire.
3:09 p.m. A black lab was spotted near the fabric store in Evergreen.
3:09 p.m. A resident on Teal Drive complained that a neighborhood dog was at her house, digging through her garbage.
6:24 p.m. An employee of a local business reported that a customer left a handgun in the bathroom.
7:35 p.m. Someone called from Bernard Road after hearing what sounded like an explosion. Apparently, the “explosion” was caused when someone in an older Dodge pickup drove over a TV on Bernard Road.
7:53 p.m. A jolly, drunken man laughed as he reported that he burned his head when he lit a cigarette, causing his tent to “blow up.” He was taken to the local hospital.
12:40 a.m. A resident on East Evergreen Drive heard what sounded like a mountain lion scream.