Flathead County has given the OK for a zone change on the land surrounding Majestic Valley Arena on U.S. Highway 93, north of Kalispell.
The land, owned by Jan and Bob Parker as Winter Park Ventures, sits in a 37-acre lot south of the actual arena, and was previous designated as an agricultural zone called SAG-5.
The change, approved by the Flathead County Commission on April 27, will shift the land from an agricultural designation to a business zone called B-3, which will allow the Parkers to pursue a hotel, restaurant, and signage changes on their property. Currently, the land is grassy rolling hills, along with a caretaker cabin and a pavilion.
A hotel would be 60 or 70 rooms, Jan Parker told the commission during an April 20 hearing, and would be for those people competing at the arena. As it stands now, reining and cutting horses, which can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, must be left at the arena while the horses’ owners drive back into Kalispell for food and lodging.
The zone change received unanimous nods of approval from the Riverdale Land Use Advisory Board, as well as the Flathead County Planning Board.
“I think this project is a good project,” Commissioner Pam Holmquist said. “I think it’s just a small step forward into a long process.”