Meet children’s author Bernice Seward at The Bookshelf in Kalispell on Friday, May 20, and join in a fun, interactive story time to discover
what real-life experience with a Flathead Valley resident inspired the book. The first 25 attendees get a free jumping frog (of the plastic variety so you don’t have to worry too much about where it hops off to).
The book signing will be from 4:00 pm to 5:30 p.m, with story time at 4:45 p.m.
Seward was born in Whitefish. Her family moved around the Inland Northwest a number of times and ended up in Moyie Springs, Idaho just before she started eighth grade. She graduated from Bonners Ferry High School in 1993. Sewaed then attended the University of Idaho and achieved a B.A. in English with a creative writing emphasis.
She currently lives in northern Idaho with her husband Barry, their three children, two dogs and a cat.