Pam Holmquist is a person of great integrity and work ethic. She is approachable, knowledgeable, and studies in great depth the issues pertinent to her office of county commissioner. She has the same beliefs most of us do regarding the importance of fiscal responsibility, protecting private property rights, making Flathead County businesses profitable, expanding business options and thereby attracting new businesses – all of which leads to job creation in our county. Devoted to civic responsibility and as a business owner, she was promoting these goals prior to being county commissioner. While in office, among other positive initiatives to protect us, she brought to the planning board a precedent-setting property owners bill of rights and was instrumental in drafting the letter to the Helena legislators and the governor in opposition to the water compact. Based on her quality as a person, her depth of knowledge, and her documented record of promoting the good of the individual and the county, I urge you to vote for Pam Holmquist for county commissioner.
Annie Bukacek