Montana needs strong, principled leadership in the Senate, and Keith Regier is the right man for the job.
Everyone who cares about Montana knows the difference between principled leadership and the “go along to get along” mentality that has been a disaster for Montana property rights, the rule of law, and the integrity of Montana’s government. That is why we do not need to elect for our Senate a man with no experience in government, and no experience in actually representing and listening to his constituents.
When my own representative here failed to protect property rights of citizens from or listen to our concerns about the disastrous Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Compact, Keith Regier did everything he could as a representative to ensure that those concerns were expressed in legislative hearings, proposed solutions through appropriate amendments to the compact, and in the end refused to support the 1,500-page document because of its damage to the citizens and Constitution of the state of Montana.
I have heard nothing convincing from Mr. Regier’s inexperienced but somehow well-funded opponent in the Senate race to convince me that he will protect Montana property rights or even be an effective representative. Let’s not take a chance on him.
Our property rights and livelihoods are at stake in this election. Please send leader Keith Regier to the Montana Senate!
David Passieri
St Ignatius