I am a longtime reader of the Beacon. Your publication has a vital niche in our local lives. Living in the Flathead just short of 40 years, my times of work, play and love in the Flathead Valley are my credentials. Without enough qualification to run for any political office, I am a well-qualified voter.
Credentials for your publication have always been good for me, even when I disagree with issues as presented. However, I really need to rein you back to fair, balanced and accurate reporting.
Most of us in the Flathead really revere Rob and Bonni Quist. Many are close friends with them for decades; loving them for their talent, dedication, generosity and friendship. Of course, all of us are charmed by celebrity and personhood. However, it is my prayer that this country is not going to elect a bunch of celebrities to run the country or the state. It is not that celebrity disqualifies some one for running for high office (like former Governor and President Reagan); but, celebrity, alone, does not qualify some one for high office.
I have read both writings about the Quist campaign in two different issues of the Beacon and other publications. Frankly, Mr. Quist’s lifetime corpus vitae would really qualify him to run for student body president of a university, which is an honorable and valuable role; or to apply for an advanced degree in music arts at Juilliard. This is not sarcasm, it is a fair evaluation of Mr. Quist as you have presented him. However, I would definitely vote for him running for city counsel or county commissioner, that he might gain entry-level political experience. Your article clearly identifies that the Montana Democrats chose Mr. Quist for his celebrity and that he fits “… into what Democrats envision as the … mold for electability …” It completely ignores the precept, that we need the most qualified and proven person for the job. The Democrats passed on two very qualified and experienced candidates. This is only about getting a Democrat in the seat, not about who can do the best job for Montana and America.
I think that many Montana folk do not like Mr. Greg Gianforte. But everything I read, hear and discover about him is that he is very well qualified to be a congressman. It is unfortunate that the Beacon has a heavy bias toward promoting Mr. Quist, in spite of his lack of qualifications.
And, most important, you have not given equal time and promotion of Mr. Gianforte. You report. We decide.
Charles Wardle