We have a job opening for the person best qualified to represent Montana in the hugely important position of U.S. Congressman. As such he must speak for all Americans, not just Montanans. The applicant must have insight into state and national issues as well as international. This election is of particular importance with our Congressional seat essential to retaining Republican Party advantage. Therefore our candidate’s priority must be far above that of personal aspirations or financial gain. This is not simply a “popularity contest.” We seek competency, knowledge, values, and dedication for the huge responsibilities of this key office.
Montana’s average wage is at the bottom. Quist’s ability to manage a business or money is lacking. We have major financial problems in Congress such as costly social issues with health care, education, handicapped and elderly, crime and drug afflictions to name a few. Quist just might be more interested in his own financial betterment as opposed to the higher objective of serving our country for the betterment of all citizens. We need a congressman with aptitudes and experience in business and industry, applying our free enterprise system while being dedicated to improving our general productivity and self-sufficiency as opposed to our increasing dependency upon federal assistance grants and programs.
Greg Gianforte has a proven track record of being a highly successful businessman bringing modern technology, opportunity, wealth and jobs to Montana. His objectives are to further help people better their lives and increase economic security. He recognizes the need to change policies in Washington D.C. especially that of rogue agencies overreaching their authority, bypassing Congress and inflicting intrusive rules and regulations. We need to restore our resource industries of timber, mining and energy destroyed by unwarranted rules and restrictions. Our abundant water supply must be available for agriculture. It is the private sector with profitable production (not government) that provides for education, health care, roads and other services. It even finances our government, but over dependency on that ultimately leads to socialistic third word status. Greg Gianforte is applying for the job of making government more efficient and citizen-friendly. Let’s hire Greg Gianforte, promoting him from successful businessman to U.S. Congressman where he can help lead our country back to prosperity and security.
Clarice Ryan