HELENA — Republican Greg Gianforte and Democrat Rob Quist raised a combined $11.5 million in last month’s special congressional election, a record haul in Montana for a U.S. House seat.
The race won by Gianforte seemed destined to break records when outside groups began pouring money into the contest. In all, such groups poured in more than $6 million, most to support Gianforte.
Campaign reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission show Gianforte amassed $4.9 million in contributions, including $1.5 million he lent himself. He spent nearly all that money as of June 14.
Quist, a political newcomer, showed his fundraising prowess, collecting $6.6 million over the course of the 85-day campaign. FEC records show he spent at least $6.2 million.
The 2016 U.S. House race generated about $9 million in spending.