2:46 a.m. A Columbia Falls man called with concerns that an armed cult has gathered on his property.
7:18 a.m. An abandoned ATV was found in Columbia Falls.
7:56 a.m. A local resident was hot on the trail of two loose dogs.
8:04 a.m. Pigs were on the loose along Highway 35.
8:55 a.m. A woman called police after finding a man wrapped up in plastic lying on the side of the road. The man said he was ill and needed a ride to Apgar. The woman declined to give the man a ride but offered to find someone who would.
10:54 a.m. Someone in a gray Mazda was driving like a jerk.
11:35 a.m. Lawn chairs were broken in Hungry Horse.
12:40 p.m. A woman picking huckleberries on Blacktail Mountain pocket dialed 911 when she fell down. She told dispatch that she was OK and that there was no emergency. No word on how many berries were lost in the fall.
12:56 p.m. A Kalispell man was attacking a camper with a baseball bat.
3:36 p.m. A woman called to report that five men swimming in the lake were yelling at her and her friends on the shore. They were not making threats, just making everyone uncomfortable. Also, nearby pot smokers were egging on the men.
4:09 p.m. A Jellison Road resident reported that “something was not right.”
4:30 p.m. Someone pocket dialed 911. Before the alleged pocket dialer hung up, the dispatcher heard a squeaking noise from either a small child or a bird.
5:13 p.m. A Kalispell woman got into a screaming match with her mother-in-law.
7:26 p.m. A Lakeside resident called 911 to ask if someone could come by her house to see if anyone was living under her porch.
11:40 p.m. A Coram resident reported that someone had left a “bag of hornets” at their house. The caller believed that it was a deliberate attack on his family. A deputy assured him that it probably wasn’t a crime, just a weird thing to leave at someone’s house.