As the current chairman of the Flathead County Planning Board, please join me in voting against the Egan Slough zoning proposal. It is “flat wrong” when neighborhood activists target a business or property owner for zoning with dubious or false propaganda. Keep in mind, the individual who is targeted in this Egan Slough zoning scheme has followed all rules, laws and regulatory requirements currently in place.
This after-the-fact zoning gimmick will set a dangerous precedent for Flathead County property owners. If this zoning sham passes, your property may be next. This type of zoning flimflam is what I have always referred to as “attack zoning”. I have seen this ploy unfold many times in my past experience with zoning. A group of activists distorts or downright lies about a particular legal use going on in their neighborhood and then uses their false propaganda to force zoning on their neighbors.
I am not opposed to zoning if it is applied in the proper manner with true and accurate data. The proper application of zoning is to guide growth in an area and to protect the health and safety of residents in the area. Zoning should be supported by a clear majority of property owners and should be based on true facts, not false propaganda. Zoning should not be applied to try to destroy an owners’ property value or rights in an “after the fact” swindle. For these reasons, please join me in voting against the Egan Slough zoning proposal.
Jeff Larsen, chairman
Flathead County Planning Board