County Plans to Spend $30.3 Million on Projects
Capital Improvement Plan accounts for the county's major projects, from recreation to solid waste
By Molly Priddy
The Flathead County Commission gave unanimous approval to the county’s capital improvement plan, which plots out major projects planned through fiscal year 2023.
In total, the county intends to spend $30.3 million on those projects over fiscal years (FY) 2019 to 2023.
In order to be included in the CIP, a project has to cost at least $5,000 and have a five-year life. The smaller projects are included in the county’s overall budget within the various departments. Every year, the commission reviews the CIP and makes changes as needed.
Though there are many projects within the CIP, below is a breakdown of some of the largest over the next few years. A full list of county CIP projects can be found here.
Culture and Recreation: $6,924,925
Cost of a recreational gym sought by the county’s Parks and Recreation department. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Bigfork ImagineIF library. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Land for the Kalispell ImagineIF library. Scheduled for FY 2021.
Enterprise (Solid Waste Fund): $7,168,750
Phase V landfill expansion. Scheduled for FY 2021.
826 Landfill compactor. Scheduled for FY 2023.
Three garbage trucks, purchased one at a time in FY 2019, 2021, 2023.
Low ground pressure D6 dozer. Scheduled for FY 2019.
Scale house and scale improvements. Scheduled for FY 2022.
General Government: $3,896,025
HVAC and cooling tower for the Justice Center. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Tax software. Scheduled for FY 2021.
Enterprise camera system. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Election ballot-processing equipment. Scheduled for FY 2023.
Land acquisition. Scheduled for FY 2019.
Public Safety: $3,268,112
Nine patrol units for sheriff’s office. Scheduled for FY 2019.
Eight patrol units for sheriff’s office. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Eight patrol units for sheriff’s office. Scheduled for FY 2021.
Patrol vehicles for sheriff’s office. Scheduled for FY 2022.
Patrol vehicles for sheriff’s office. Scheduled FY 2023.
Search and rescue jet boat. Scheduled FY 2019.
Public Health: $578,000
Dental operatory. Scheduled FY 2019.
Health department vehicles. Scheduled for FY 2019.
Elevator for Earl Bennett Building. Scheduled for FY 2022.
Public Works: $7,514,500
Two dump trucks. Scheduled for FY 2022.
Loader. Scheduled for FY 2021.
Loader. Scheduled for FY 2023.
Three new graders, purchased one at a time in FY 2021, 2022, 2023.
Willow Glen wash bay. Scheduled for FY 2020.
Asphalt plant replacement. Scheduled for FY 2021.
MACI air quality equipment. Scheduled for FY 2019.
Social and Economic Services: $982,000
Passenger bus replacements from FY 2018 to FY 2023.