1:35 a.m. A man was berry picking down by the river. Someone thought it was a pretty weird time to pick berries so they called the cops. The berry picker said he would go home.
8:03 a.m. A pack of “five or more dogs” was running through a Libby neighborhood.
8:36 a.m. A Libby man has been calling in “suspicious activity” at least six times a day for the last few days. Law enforcement is starting to think that is getting to be pretty suspicious.
1:37 p.m. Someone called in a wildfire.
2:20 p.m. A deer was shot.
3:48 p.m. A Kalispell man said his brother was being a bother.
4:17 p.m. A man was harassing people in a parking lot.
4:57 p.m. A horse was on the loose.
5:35 p.m. A Libby woman found a peacock.
6:59 p.m. Some Canadians were driving like jerks.
9:36 p.m. An elderly man was walking around town in sweatpants.
9:58 p.m. Some youths were having a loud house party.