Work Begins on Kalispell’s Parkline Trail
Crews started removing railroad tracks on May 25; trail will likely be complete next spring
By Maggie Dresser
After nearly a decade since Kalispell city officials started making plans to transform the former Great Northern Railway line into a linear, multiuse trail, connecting Meridian Street and Woodland Park, crews took a major step toward its construction and began ripping out the tracks on May 25.
The $8.1 million project will likely be finished in spring 2022, with Sandry Construction, who was awarded the bid, and subcontractors doing the bulk of the work this summer.
“Likely all the hard infrastructure of the trail itself and the street crossings will be in by Nov. 1,” Kalispell Development Services Director Jarod Nygren said.
This summer, community members will likely see crews working on road crossings at First, Third, Fourth and Fifth avenues, Main Street and Meridian Road, along with bridge repair at the end of July and running through the end of October. Each crossing is expected to take about 10 days.
“Most street crossings and highways will be done at night,” Nygren said. “There’s a lot of construction going on in the city right now … There will certainly be some delays, but we hope everyone is patient.”

Landscaping, irrigation and electrical work will likely continue into next spring following a break over the winter.
The Parkline Trail is part of the Kalispell Core and Rail Redevelopment project, which began several years ago to encourage redevelopment of abandoned or underutilized properties and promote commerce downtown.
The trail will provide safe walkability in Kalispell’s core area, and buyers continue to purchase properties along the trail. Glacier Rail Park is also part of the project, which accommodates rail-served manufacturers and was recently filled.
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