6:25 a.m. The garbage was taken out by a bear.
7:51 a.m. A cow was in the road.
7:51 a.m. Someone pepper sprayed a dog.
8:36 a.m. A catalytic converter was cut off a van.
9:00 a.m. Someone was tipping over garbage cans.
9:24 a.m. A shoplifter did not steal anything today.
11:09 a.m. Possible road rage was reported.
11:48 a.m. A driver was punching a passenger in the head.
1:55 p.m. A woman reported someone spent $1,400 at a grocery store on her credit card.
2:12 p.m. Eagles and hawks are constantly bringing things from the landfill.
2:33 p.m. Someone reported a potentially malnourished horse, but an officer found it to be “very healthy and its coat was beautiful.”
2:24 p.m. A cat bit someone.
2:46 p.m. A rogue sheep was in the wrong yard.
2:48 p.m. A dog kept jumping its fence.
6:18 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious campsite.
3:47 p.m. A rooster has gone off from 6 a.m. until dusk every day for a couple of years now.
10:23 p.m. Kids were honking horns.