
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Friday, July 9, 2021



12:06 a.m. A man was hurt in a dog fight. 

10:27 a.m. Four purses and some shoes were found by a boat launch. 

11:01 a.m. A man was playing air golf. 

11:19 a.m. A horse went missing. 

1:54 p.m. Vulgar rap music was being played. 

2:01 p.m. Someone reported an excavator that appeared to have been unloaded and left on their driveway. 

2:09 p.m. A mower threw a rock and broke a window. 

6:13 p.m. A person was gopher hunting in a horse pasture. 

7:55 p.m. Someone accidentally drove off in the wrong vehicle. 

11:41 p.m. A caller thought a FedEx truck driving around shouldn’t be out so late.