
Finding Our Voice 

We as a nation, as individuals who believe in freedom, need to find our voices to speak out

By Laura Thomas

There is a vice-grip on our nation and that grip is fear. It is pervasive and tightening at every turn. We see and feel this fear, and somehow, we have become a fearful nation, from our families to our co-workers, and even to people we don’t know. 

We fear the virus, and I’m not here to say it’s not real, but the fear has overwhelmed us into a “Sleeping Nation.” Fear has invaded everything we do. Our speech, we are fearful of offending someone, or worse being censured. And this fear has stretched its powerful tentacles into our churches even!

Fear stands out as the key motive to our silence. It has strangled our voices! What are we so fearful of? That we would be called radical? That we would lose our friends and family? That we would lose our homes and jobs, our security? Friends wake up, we already are! Look around you; really look at what is happing around us. Other countries are blocking access to the common people, for standing up against tyranny, bank accounts. Think it can’t happen here in America, think again!

We as a nation, as individuals who believe in freedom, need to find our voices to speak out, in support of our kids, our families, and our nation. We the people need to start speaking out and up before we are not able to!

Laura Thomas