2:25 a.m. Officers found a car parked on the side of the highway along Flathead Lake with the lights on inside. After finding a number for the owner’s mother, officers turned off the light, as the owner had gone camping the weekend with some friends.
7:54 a.m. Someone called 911 to talk about “being under the Congress’ magnifying glass.”
8:19 a.m. A man on his hands and knees near a grocery store was “just being his normal self.”
8:36 a.m. A dumpster behind the library was knocked over spewing trash, backpacks, clothes and “at least one bicycle” all over the alleyway.
1:11 p.m. A bale of hay was partially blocking an offramp along the bypass.
2:59 p.m. A caller wanted to report that his son had taken his vehicle on a trip to Idaho and “at sometime he lost possession of it.”
6:01 p.m. A man reported seeing a teenage girl and an older man walking down the street together and was concerned that he “did not look like her father,” but couldn’t say why.
7:39 p.m. Someone riding in a truck was shooting paintballs at other cars on the bypass
8:11 p.m. Someone reported a friend of theirs was routinely braking into the houses of other mutual friends and beating them up.
8:36 p.m. Two corvettes were racing down Highway 93.