Guest Column

Ryan Zinke is Right for Montana

There is only one candidate in this race that will stand up for Montana

By Don "K" Kaltschmidt

Recently, Republicans across Western Montana made their voice heard by electing Ryan Zinke to be the Republican nominee for Congressional District 1 in the 2022 midterm elections. Montana Republicans turned out in historic numbers for a midterm election year to send a clear message to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats in Washington D.C. that we are tired of the failed policies of this administration and the hardships Democrats are causing for all Montana families.

Contrary to what President Biden and others in D.C. may think, Montana voters get it. The issues that have popped up over the last two years are not an accident and as much as Joe Biden may try to blame others for his party’s incompetence, they are nobody else’s fault. I could write a list a mile long highlighting every failure Democrats have achieved in the last year and a half, but let’s keep it at this: When Joe Biden took office and Democrats gained majorities in each chamber, gas was about two bucks a gallon thanks to Zinke’s energy policies, our southern border was secure, there was baby formula on the shelves, and most Americans had enough money to pay for their basic necessities. Now fast forward to today, gas is five bucks a gallon, the southern border is wide open with record numbers of illegals coming across every day, Americans are greeted with empty shelves at the grocery store, and many are struggling to make ends meet. The facts speak for themselves. Montanans and Americans are better off under Republican leadership.

When Montana Republicans voted for Ryan Zinke to be our party’s nominee in November, they voted for somebody we can all have confidence in to put Montana over Washington, people above political correctness, and solutions over stupidity. Montanans wanted someone representing them who would join Congressman Matt Rosendale in defending our rights, freedoms, and liberties against an administration laser focused on stripping them away.

There is only one candidate in this race that will stand up for Montana; and it’s not Nancy Pelosi’s socialist puppet Monica Tranel. While Monica has made a career of serving nobody but herself and her elitist clients, Ryan has spent his career wearing the Stars and Stripes on his sleeve; putting his life on the line to defend our nation and our freedom as a Navy Seal.

Despite over $1 million being spent on negative attack ads and repeated and numerous false and disproved charges designed to attack Ryan’s record of distinguished military service and time serving Montana in Congress and all Americans at the Department of Interior, Ryan persevered, because that’s the kind of fighter he is.

Ryan bravely fought to defend our country and its values once before as a Navy Seal, and when we elect him in November to go back to Congress, we know he’ll do it again.

Don “K” Kaltschmidt is chairman of the Montana Republican Party.