It’s time to send another woman to Congress! The last time Montana had a woman in Congress was 1940, Janet Rankin’s second term. Meet Monica Tranel and you will know that it is time to send another woman to congress! Monica grew up in Eastern Montana, one of 10 in a large Catholic family. She’s familiar with hard work and the economic struggles of Montana families. She is smart and strong. She is one of us.
Monica is a lawyer practicing water law in eastern Montana, working to help ranchers and farmers in our changing climate. She will NEVER be a corporate lapdog, take taxpayer money to go on family vacations, or be the subject of corruption investigations. She has a plan to help working class Montana families deal with the growing economic inequalities that exist in the Western District of Montana where she is running. Please go to her website ( to read more. She’s easy to meet. She is traveling all over the western district. Go to her website to see where she’ll be. Once you meet her you will vote for her.
This congressional seat gives Montana a once in a lifetime opportunity to increase our representation in Washington. Who we elect has the opportunity to fight for a Montana that will restore a strong middle class, with economic security for all. Monica Tranel will represent middle class Montana. Let’s send a woman to Congress. A Montana woman!
Steve Martinez