We attended Dr. Annie Bukacek’s presentation entitled “Public Service Commission Duty: Safeguarding YOUR Access To Power And Water.” It was jaw-dropping informative, and she has the ability to present grim information with a sense of humor and an infusion of hope and solutions. She easily kept everyone’s attention. The presentation is available for viewing on her website Bukacek4PSC.com.
On one slide she quotes the PSC website that the Public Service Commission job is to ensure that “ratepayers have continued access to utility services that are affordable, reliable, and sustainable for the long term.” We agree with Dr. Bukacek 100% that for a public service commissioner to fulfill that duty, they must understand those factors that could negatively impact access to affordability, reliability, and sustainability. Dr. Bukacek has that understanding, and that is clear if you watch her presentations. We highly recommend you do that and vote for Dr. Bukacek for PSC district 5.
Doug & Carol Smith