Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want higher taxes to pay for all her bad decisions and court cases. Remember her bad decisions that have cost the county thousands of dollars, i.e., the bridge at the north end of Flathead Lake, Friends of Lake Five case, and the current spot zoning case near West Glacier.
Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want uncontrolled growth in Flathead County.
Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want a planning and zoning department that cares only about developers, bankers, title companies, out of state investors, and realtors.
Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want hand-picked Planning and Zoning Board members that rubber stamp every project Pam Holmquist tells them to approve.
Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want more VRBO’s and Airbnb’s in your neighborhoods.
Vote for Pam Holmquist if you want to pay her nearly $80,000 salary plus expenses for a part-time job. Seriously!
Pam Holmquist is not a Conservative … She is a Liberal in Conservative’s clothing.
Lee Pinski