
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Monday, September 12, 2022

Run Away


8:01 a.m. A caller wanted to report an old dilapidated camper that was a traffic hazard and looked like a meth lab.

8:07 a.m. A woman called law enforcement to rant about how they took her as a joke because she called in so many times. 

9:52 a.m. A dog wandered into a house and urinated in it. 

9:52 a.m. An aggressive golden retriever could not be found by law enforcement. 

10:03 a.m. Four leashless dogs ran up a hill. 

10:12 a.m. Someone wanted to know about the legality of dumpster diving. 

10:29 a.m. A woman who owed someone $150, wrote a check to them for $500 and was upset that the excess was not returned to her. 

11:34 a.m. A jeep hopped the curb and mowed down several signs. 

1:17 p.m. A “dirty” car was speeding through the neighborhood, and the “slippery snake” got away before someone could write down the license plate number.

1:57 p.m. Some teens fishing were accused of starting a homeless camp. 

4:14 p.m. Someone wanted to share photos with law enforcement they took of someone escaping from their ankle monitor. 

2:23 p.m. Someone thought the radio announcer said they wanted to shoot her dog. 

6 p.m. Two horses were galloping along in the ditch next to the highway. 

6:54 p.m. A dozen kids were throwing rocks at parked cars. 

9:52 p.m. Someone was not sure how a bat had come to be hanging in his bedroom.