I have reviewed the list of candidates for the Kalispell Public Elementary School Board and have chosen to support Shaun Pandina as the best qualified. Having been a parent, school teacher and school superintendent, I want a school board member who will emphasize our constitutional republic in the classroom because we are now headed toward socialism as a country. Next, curriculum must stick to the basics and not take away the rights of the parents to teach their values. Student achievement and discipline need to be clear and worked out with help from the parents. Board members must understand the budget and priorities on spending. The average spending per pupil in Montana public schools is $16,964 (2023 data) per student. Wise spending is in order because some property owners are having difficulty paying their property tax each year. The election is May 2 and ballots may be returned by mail (immediately) or delivered in-person to the district office by May 2 at 233 First Ave. E.
Verdell Jackson