
Protecting Montana Doctors, Nurses, Payer and Providers from Retaliation

The Med Act simply protects healthcare workers and payers from retaliation if they refuse to provide certain procedures that would violate their conscience

By Amy Regier

Protecting Montana Doctors, Nurses, Payer and Providers from Retaliation

The Med Act simply protects healthcare workers and payers from retaliation if they refuse to provide certain procedures that would violate their conscience

No American should be forced to violate their conscience. Doctors, nurses and other medical providers are no different. Unfortunately, opinions continue to abound on a recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF Health News) article regarding the Medical Ethics and Diversity Act (Med Act) recently passed by the Montana Legislature. 

The Med Act simply protects healthcare workers and payers from retaliation if they refuse to provide certain procedures that would violate their conscience. Those who would force doctors, nurses, payers, and providers to go against their conscience, continue to use the same fear tactics that were on full display in the committee hearings, and falsely claim that this law would allow discrimination against patients.  This is simply not true.

Doctors and nurses must continue to serve all patients — but they should not be required to provide requested procedures, medications, surgeries, etc., that would violate their conscience and their Hippocratic Oath to “Do No Harm.”

Rep. Amy Regier