
Support Sweeney for City Council

Simply put, Frank is one of the best councilors the city has had

By Nancy Woodruff

Hello Whitefish friends and neighbors,

I am thrilled to have moved back to Whitefish after a fun, interesting, and rewarding five years in Butte. One of the things I love about Whitefish is the strength of community ties, the willingness of folks to help each other and to pitch in for the good of the community.

One person who exemplifies this is Frank Sweeney. Frank has volunteered his time and skills as a member of the city council for 12 years now. I served on the council with Frank during his first tenure, and quickly came to appreciate his abilities. Frank is even-tempered, takes a balanced view of things, is willing to learn and to incorporate new information, and is dedicated to addressing the city’s problems. Frank is innovative and forward thinking, and his years of experience have given him a deep understanding of city government.

Simply put, Frank is one of the best councilors the city has had. We are fortunate that he continues to be willing to serve the community. Please join me in voting for Frank Sweeney for city council.

Remember, ballots can be mailed but must be received at the election department in Kalispell by Election Day. You can also drop your ballots at Whitefish City Hall through Election Day.

Thanks, Whitefish. I am glad to be back home!

Nancy Woodruff
Former Whitefish city councilor