
Support Ryan Hunter for City Council

He’s not afraid to take on some of the hardest issues we face in Kalispell

By Jason Cohen

It’s not often these days you get to vote your conscience during an election. Even more rare that you get to vote for someone who is highly qualified and really has the interests of the community at heart. Fortunate for us, that’s exactly the opportunity we have this Election Day with Ryan Hunter running for City Council.

Ryan is not only tough, independent-minded and determined. He’s also not afraid to take on some of the hardest issues we face in Kalispell – unrestrained development, affordable housing, and preserving this amazing place we call home.

Since his time in office, Ryan has consistently stood up for the things that matter most to me as a father, a taxpayer, homeowner and a hunter. Ryan stood up against unnecessary public subsidies for developers.  He opposed developments that encroached on the rivers and wetlands that protect our fish, birds and wildlife. And far from sticking his head in the sand, Ryan has pushed the Council to do more on the thorny issues of homelessness and affordable housing that have quickly become such a challenge in the Flathead.

You can never be sure, but I imagine my kids coming back to Kalispell to live someday. With leaders like Ryan Hunter, I am confident that Kalispell will continue to be the awesome place they’ve grown up in. Vote for Ryan this November 7th.

Jason Cohen