
Support Critical Energy Legislation

Everybody Solar continues to lead the way with emissions reductions

By Angie Winter

It “warmed” my heart recently to learn that Everybody Solar installed solar panels and an EV charging station at Glacier Conservancy workforce housing in Hungry Horse.

Everybody Solar continues to lead the way with emissions reductions, and in this case, the effort reduces housing costs as well!

More good news? Legislation passed in the last 12 months makes it possible for individuals and businesses (as well as non-profits such as Glacier Conservancy) to access tax rebates and incentives for a wide range of energy solutions, including heat pump clothes dryers, induction stoves, electric vehicles, home insulation, solar, and heat pumps.  

If you would like to learn more about your options to save money and thereby preserve our beautiful state, start with the resources at Rewiring America.  www.rewiringamerica.org

And then, let your members of Congress (Sens. Tester and Daines; Reps. Zinke and Rosendale) know how much you appreciate the passage of this legislation! Encourage them to support other critical energy legislation such as the BIG WIRES Act, which will help ensure that America has a reliable, resilient grid that can provide affordable, clean electricity. We must speed up the rate at which we build electricity transmission to ensure we can connect new wind and solar to the grid.

Angie Winter