
Senate Bill 319 Ruling Completely Justified

Our judicial branch is doing exactly what they should do, overturn unconstitutional bills

By Amy Weeks

Montana State Sen. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, thinks that our courts are overstepping their role by doing the job they exist to do. In his recent letter, Regier attacks the courts for their ruling in the Forward Montana case.  

What Regier doesn’t tell you is that the ruling was completely justified. Section 11 paragraph 3 of the Montana Constitution states clearly that “Each bill … shall contain only one subject, clearly expressed in its title.”

The bill in question, Senate Bill 319, bans voter registration and education activities on college campuses and requires judges to recuse themselves from a case if a party or attorney before them donated to their campaign. At its most basic level, the bill is unconstitutional as it contains two separate topics and would require two separate bills. 

Regier’s attack on our judicial system is either rooted in ignorance of the Montana Constitution or in his own highly biased and unfounded personal opinion. 

Regier is correct in one thing, we do have three branches of government. What he fails to recognize is that those branches serve as checks and balances on the powers of the other branches.  

Our judicial branch is doing exactly what they should do, overturn unconstitutional bills.

Amy Weeks
Columbia Falls