
Time to Reject Tester

He has become intermeshed in the same corrupt Washington organizations that he promised to fight

By Deborah Wilson

It is time for the people of Montana to reject the corruption and propaganda of Jon Tester. Jon Tester has become intermeshed in the same corrupt Washington organizations that he promised to fight in his campaign ads. Who do you think that Jon Tester really works for when he has become the top recipient in Congress of money from lobbyists and special interest groups? Jon Tester claims to be a Moderate but votes with most radical extremes of the socialistic, Progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Jon Tester claims that he is a second amendment supporter, but he regularly joins with anti-gun liberals to vote against our right to self-defense. Tester supported criminalizing the private transfer of firearms between life-long friends and some family members.

The seventeen years that Jon Tester has spent in the US Senate has been devastating to Montana. We cannot afford to have him for another term. Please do NOT VOTE for Jon Tester.

Deborah Wilson