
Support Rob Tracy in House District 11

Rob is hardworking, ethical and, most importantly, is a responsive listener

By Kay Burt 

Someone far greater than I once asserted that the best servants make the best leaders. (I believe there was some foot-washing involved.) Along those lines, I would like to endorse Rob Tracy as our candidate for our Montana House District 11. Rob has proven himself as that servant leader, investing in his community in ways too numerous to count. For a number of years, he served as a volunteer firefighter for the Bigfork Fire Department; now retired, he continues to advocate for the department in fundraising and as Vice-President/Trustee of the Friends of Bigfork Fire Department. In addition, Rob has been an ambassador for the Bigfork Chamber of Commerce, and, beyond his immediate community, he has served as a ministry volunteer for the Montana State Prison system.

Rob’s dedication to the Bigfork School District and its students is unquestioned. As Director of Transportation for School District 38, Rob has crusaded for school bus safety, worked hands-on as a bus driver and been instrumental in improving the District’s fleet of buses. Simultaneously, he has mentored at-risk students; he also contributes annually to the School’s unfunded sports programs.  

Rob Tracy is hardworking, ethical and, most importantly, is a responsive listener. He would serve our District well in a time that calls for a listening ears and reasoned voices. I ask you to join me in supporting Rob Tracy for Montana House District 11.

Kay Burt 