
Vote Regier in Senate District 5

During that session, I learned how hard of a worker Matt was for the people of Montana

By Carl Glimm

I am writing to express my support for the current Montana House Speaker Matt Regier for the Senate District 5 race. Matt is an intelligent, hardworking, principled and passionate legislator for the Flathead Valley.

I have watched as Matt was asked to Chair the appropriations subcommittee on the LARGEST and most COMPLICATED portion of the Montana State Budget, Section B for the Department of Health and Human Services. Matt took this chairmanship and put his nose to the grindstone and worked hard to learn, understand and master the subject matter. During that session, I learned how hard of a worker Matt was for the people of Montana. 

Now, Matt is the current Speaker of the Montana House, elected by his peers to lead them. And lead them he did, Matt earned the respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. His leadership and fairness to all members of the chamber were invaluable.

Matt is a champion for conservative causes – Life, Seconf Amendment, Freedom and the entrepreneurial spirit because he is one.
Don’t buy the negative campaigning that’s out there. Matt is the guy who has your best interest and that of Montana at heart! Vote REGIER!

Sen. Carl Glimm