
Support Sprunger in House District 7

Courtenay has earned my respect because she does the work and keeps her word

By Brian Heino

As Sheriff of Flathead County, it is both my honor and responsibility to support leaders who share our community’s values and are dedicated to ensuring its safety and well-being. That’s why I am pleased to support Representative Courtenay Sprunger in her bid for re-election to serve Montana House District 7.

As multi-generational residents of Kalispell, Courtenay and I share a deep understanding of the fabric that makes up this community – and what will be required to ensure Kalispell remains recognizable in the years to come. While there are many issues to address; the top of the list is tackling crime in the Flathead Valley.

Last session, Courtenay’s law enforcement legislative packed a punch and it is making a difference. Key among her efforts last session include HB 791, which ensures mandatory jail time for fentanyl traffickers and HB 790, known as “Emily’s Law,” which enhances safety measures for survivors of domestic abuse. In addition, she sponsored and passed HB 256, a law that allows trained and vetted law enforcement volunteers to be armed while serving their community, something that the law did not allow prior to the passage of this bill. In the Flathead Valley, members of the Flathead Valley Sheriff’s Posse, who donate approximately 10,000 hours per year, will now be appropriately armed while protecting our community thanks to Courtenay’s advocacy.

Courtenay has earned my respect because she does the work and keeps her word. Her commitment to serving the people of Montana and her support of law enforcement is unwavering. As we continue to battle soaring crime rates in the Flathead, it is crucial to have leaders like Representative Sprunger who understand our community and are willing to dig deep to keep it safe. I urge the voters of Montana House District 7 to join me in supporting Courtenay Sprunger’s re-election bid.

Sheriff Brian Heino