
Protect Your Rights

They want to turn this country into a theocracy run under the rules they determine

By Amy Weeks

Republicans want to take your rights away. If you are a woman or a couple, they want to take away your right to control the size of your family and your right to enjoy your relationship the way you choose. 

Donald Trump’s choice of Vice President just reinforces this. JD Vance is adamantly against abortion for all reasons. When asked if abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, his reply was “two wrongs don’t make a right”. Vance clearly falls in line with the Project 2025 guide for the next GOP presidency and will work towards a national abortion ban.

The right to abortion is not the only one on the chopping block. Your right to contraception is also on the line. Senate Republicans recently blocked a bill that would protect the right to contraception. Two GOP controlled states are moving to block Plan B. If they get their way, you’ll have little to no control over how many children you may have.  

Don’t get the idea, however, that Republicans want everyone to have kids. The GOP blocked a bill that would have protected the right to IVF and the Speaker of the House co-sponsored a bill that would enshrine “life at conception”, which would likely end all IVF treatments as well as IUDs and Plan B.

Members of the Heritage Foundation, who are pushing Project 2025 as a guide for the next Republican president, even want to make “recreational sex” illegal. They want sex in any relationship to be for reproductive purposes only.

Republicans want to take your rights away. They want to turn this country into a theocracy run under the rules they determine. Don’t let them do it. Vote Democrat in every race. Protect your rights and protect this country.

Amy Weeks
Columbia Falls