
Hunter Success Rate Improves in Northwest Montana

The general hunting season wrapped up over the weekend and check stations are reporting stronger numbers than last year

By Beacon Staff
A white-tailed deer wanders in Kalispell. Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

Montana’s general hunting season wrapped up over the weekend and, according to numbers reported at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) check stations, hunters in this corner of the state had increased success in the field when compared to last year.   

More than 10,800 hunters stopped at northwest Montana check stations this season, and about 10 percent of them had successfully harvested game, compared to 9 percent a year ago. A total of 954 white-tailed deer, including 745 bucks, were reported at the four weekend check stations. Last year hunters checked 761 white-tailed deer, including 567 bucks. Check station results showed a slightly smaller mule deer harvest, ­92 deer checked this year compared to 97 a year ago. And the elk harvest was slightly above last year, 62 harvested this year compared to 51 a year ago.

This season, check stations were open on weekends during the general hunting season from 10 a.m. to approximately 1.5 hours past sunset. The regional stations were located at U.S. Highway 2 west of Kalispell, Montana Highway 83 north of Swan Lake, Highway 200 west of Thompson Falls, and Highway 93 near Olney.

Austin Takas with his first deer harvested. Photo courtesy of FWP

Hunters are required to stop at any check station they encounter whether they harvested an animal or not. The counts at the stations represent a sampling of the harvest and do not represent the complete number of animals taken.

There are still opportunities to hunt this winter. Certain areas have continued elk hunting opportunities, and there is also Montana’s Muzzleloader Heritage season for deer and elk from Dec. 14 through Dec. 22.

As the season wraps up, Montana hunters can thank landowners for access and share stories through an online portal. FWP is offering this opportunity to say thank you to landowners who have provided access and helped to make it a successful hunting season. FWP will collect these expressions of gratitude and share them with the specific landowners at the end of the season. Notes can be submitted online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/thank-a-landowner-2024.

2024 General Hunting Season Numbers for Northwest Montana