
27 Cases of Whooping Cough in Ravalli County

By Beacon Staff

HAMILTON – A whooping cough outbreak in Ravalli County has grown to 27 cases and schools in Corvallis and Victor have told about 115 students who have not been immunized they will not be allowed at school for three weeks.

The Ravalli Republic reports the Corvallis school district told about 100 students they can’t come to school or participate in school activities through May 13. The Victor school district gave the same notice to 15 students. Victor Superintendent Lance Pearson says 14 students had religious exemptions, but several of the parents have been receptive about getting their children vaccinated.

It takes two weeks for the vaccine to offer full protection against the bacterial infection that can cause uncontrolled coughing.

At least one infant was hospitalized, but county health nurse Judy Griffin says the child appears to be recovering.