
Take Back the Party

Rational Republicans must take back their party

By Ed Berry

For the first time, I agree with Bill Baum and I second his support of Commissioner Gary Krueger. Gary is the most intelligent, common sense commissioner we have.

Right now, Republican extremists attack Krueger because they are rabidly opposed to the Water Compact and Krueger supports the Compact for very rational reasons.

Gary Krueger’s attackers are the hyper-critical, conspiracy believing, doomsday cult, extremists of the Republican Party.

They are at most only 20 percent of Republican voters and less than 10 percent of the voting population. Good people can outvote them.

I agree with Baum that rational Republicans must take back their party, take back their Central Committee, take back the Republican contingent of the Montana legislature, and reelect Gary Krueger.

Let’s do it in 2016 by removing from office every Republican who voted no on the Water Compact. I hope good Democrats like Baum cross-over to help Republicans like me clean house.

Ed Berry