
Bullock Supports Court Packing

Bullock’s embrace of this extremist tactic is a disqualifying act

By Associated Press

Gov. Steve Bullock has revealed his true nature by plainly stating he favors packing the Supreme Court. Adding numerous seats and filling them with far left radical activists to achieve a decades long majority would fundamentally break our system of checks-and-balances, transforming the court into a legislative body intent on executing the Democrat’s bitter and vindictive socialist/Antifa/BLM agenda. Under such a court, kiss your Bill of Rights goodbye. The Second, then the First, then the rest. There will be no barriers to the transformation of the U.S. into a totalitarian state will remain.

Bullock’s embrace of this extremist tactic is a disqualifying act. It renders him unfit to represent Montana in the Senate and we must tell him so by re-electing Sen. Steve Daines. Our constitutional rights, our Republic, and our future depend upon it.

Big Tech’s censorship of emerging news about the Biden family’s extensive corruption issues is just a taste of what will be should the Democrats take power. Defy them and you’ll be blocked, banned, or otherwise unpersoned. Vote accordingly from the top to the bottom of your ballot.

Ron McClellan