A selection of reader photos submitted in August, 2014. To submit your photos email [email protected] with your name, contact information and a description of the images.
Greg Lindstrom
Here comes the train! Marcia Szymanski
Warm summer day at Doris Creek. Ginny Foley
This photo is from the lightning storm Eureka got on Wed July, 23rd. Megan Larter
Head coach Kyle Samson leads the Flathead Braves as they walk towards Legends Stadium. Debbie Webb
My wife and I were driving west from Columbia Falls, just heading down the hill, when we saw this sunset. The sheer number of different colors in a single view just stopped us in our tracks. The longer we looked, the more colors we saw. Matt Rardon
Late afternoon rainbow column, looking south from North Flathead Yacht Club at Somers. Carlyn McManus
The twin fawns have come out of the willows, it must be August. Patti Hart
Super moonrise on August 10th. Susan Matelich
Vibrant sun through recent smoke. Amanda Montgomery
South Fork Flathead River on August 3, 2014. Alex Madsen
Gable Peaks near Schafer Meadows of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex. Chany Ockert
A spider working away! Donna Berget
Mother nature shows her wild side. Ginny Foley
Swan River taken from the bridge by the river walk. I love that place. Kay Marie
Beautiful sunset casting it's glow on our world. Susan Mateilch