
Flathead High Schools Compete for $12,000 in Video Contest

PureWest Christie's asks students to show what makes life in Montana special

By Clare Menzel

Why is life best in Northwest Montana? Students across the Flathead Valley are answering that question in a video contest sponsored by PureWest Christie’s International Real Estate. The students who create the winning video segment will take home $7,000 to support their school’s video and technology program.

The contests asks students from seven participating schools to submit a video segment no more than one minute long that answers with compelling story the question of why Northwest Montana is an amazing place to live, be, and visit.

In the upcoming week, a panel of judges will decide the first place winner. The second place segment will win $2,000, third place will receive $1,000, and all contestants will collect $500 for participation.

Each school gets one official submission, and individual students may also submit videos on their own to the Audience Award Student Division. These video segments will compete for the most votes from online viewers, and the video with the most votes will earn $300 and two Whitefish Mountain Resort lift tickets.

The videos all showcase the many activities and opportunities for adventure and exploration in Montana.

Brett Owen, representing Polson High School, uploaded a video that opens with time-lapse sunsets and details what makes each season special – the auburn trees of fall, the deep powder that falls in winter, fly fishing in the spring, and summertime on the lake. Competing against Polson is a video uploaded by Jeff Hyer, of Whitefish High School, who used the submission to capture Montana’s beauty, thrills, and breathtaking views, and the experience of finding adventures here with friends.

At the time of this writing, the video with the most Audience Awards views, uploaded by Reece Brandon, focuses on the serenity and wonder of immersing oneself in Montana’s beauty. Not far behind in the votes is Jackson Wynne, whose video features voiceover of the classic John Steinbeck quote ‘I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love.”

The voiceover continues: “We in the Flathead Valley know Steinbeck got it right.”

The judges will reveal their decision on November 6 at 6 p.m. at the Flathead High School Auditorium. To vote in the student video contest, log on to Audience Awards at http://theaudienceawards.com/b/pure-west. Voting closes October 22.