10:25 a.m. Someone broke into a car and stole part of the steering column.
10:49 a.m. A man was following employees around a store but was not committing any kind of crime and left when he realized the employees were weirded out.
11:05 a.m. A cyclist was told not to ride in the middle of the roadway.
11:33 a.m. A collarless Golden Doodle had been roaming the neighborhood for two days.
12:06 p.m. A teen in her first minor car accident called 911 so an officer could talk her through the process
12:49 p.m. Someone wanted clarification on where it is now legal to smoke marijuana.
1:04 p.m. Three cars full of teenagers showed up in a parking lot, swapped a bunch of backpacks, and left.
2:14 p.m. Someone shoplifted, put the stolen goods in his pickup bed, and then walked away.
7:28 p.m. A woman was asked to watch her friend’s dog, but the friend never returned to pick it up.
8:03 p.m. Some kids were watching a movie inside a parked van, which passersby thought was odd.
8:48 p.m. Some kids were seen smashing pumpkins on people’s porches.
9:10 p.m. A big bear was seen in a residential tree.
10:23 p.m. An intoxicated person called 911 to ask for a ride home and was informed that the police are not a taxi service.