
Reality Check

Reality Check

Consequences of Bad Judgment

At the rate at which the incidents of crime are occurring in our Flathead Valley, we can’t rely upon how we have addressed crime in the past. We must acknowledge the need for more law enforcement support and personnel.

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

The choice to cast out those Republicans among us that offer a different viewpoint and focus on civility, bipartisanship, and virtue while tethered to the principles of the Republican Party marks a new low for this authoritarian-run group    

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

A Professional Worth Emulating

Perhaps the only reason I made it through my mayoral term without publicly cursing was because of the influence of professionals like Dennis Beams, a senior leader at Glacier Bank

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

Re-victimization of Montanans

No doubt, attorneys need to be paid for taking on these class action cases but the request is exorbitant considering the pittance the victims will get in comparison 

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

The Local ‘Big Tent Party’ is a Circus Act

By a motion made by the chair of the Montana GOP, a lifelong public servant and conservative was “censured” for exercising his constitutional right to run for office

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

Montana’s Santas and Elves

No Montanan makes it through a hard winter alone. And those who make all our lives easier and manageable deserve recognition.

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

They Got the Gold Mine, We Got the Shaft

The location is in an agricultural area occupied by historically significant homesteads that have been in the Flathead for generations

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

John Dutton’s Montana

The "Yellowstone" effect is transforming Kalispell from a sleepy cowtown into a Botox-saturated bastion for the bourgeouis

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

Doing Good in the Neighborhood

Federal law does not allow for federal funds to be used to pay school lunch debt, so a gap exists between what the school district can cover and the actual cost of providing the food

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

Judge for Yourself

Between his disdain for the Judicial Canons, shunning the commitments of his current office as PSC commissioner and his bombastic unfounded claims in his commercials, James Brown has proven himself unfit to ascend to the Montana Supreme Court. I’ll vote accordingly.  

By Tammi Fisher
Reality Check

Promises Made, Promises Broken

Under the auspices of “protecting children,” the Library Board with the full support of the county commissioners is reviewing books with an eye towards banning those they unilaterally determine children should not have access to

By Tammi Fisher