
Editor’s Picks

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Best of Preps — Winter 2024

Recognizing the top high school athletes from throughout Flathead County during the 2023-2024 winter sports season

Business Monthly

The 2024 Jobs Issue

Bringing economic diversity to Libby; the northwest Montana labor market begins to loosen; plus 'Ask the Expert' with Job Service Kalispell manager Laura Gardner


In Whitefish, Justin Barry Has Designs to Stop Waste

Justin Barry believes he can play a role in protecting the environment by repurposing the gear, clothing and equipment that is so regularly cast aside and sent to the trash in this corner of Montana

Business Monthly

The 2024 Food Issue

Food industry’s tight workforce slowly loosens; in Bigfork, The Sando Co. is rising to the occasion; plus 'Ask the Expert' with Jalisco Cantina owner Dave Pike

Business Monthly

The 2024 Healthcare Issue

Senior healthcare demand rises in the Flathead; thousands of local children and adults have dropped off the Medicaid rolls since the state began reviewing enrollment; plus 'Ask the Expert' with Kalispell pediatrician Dr. John Cole


Ascent’s Uphill Climb

The Ascent program transformed the lives of at-risk Glacier High School students before shutting down due to budget cuts last fall. Now, its supporters are hoping to bring it back for the next generation of Kalispell teenagers.


Remembering the Tragedy on Peters Ridge

Thirty years after an avalanche killed five people in the northern Swan Range on New Year’s Eve, local rescuers, skiers and snowmobilers reflect on the tragic event and the evolution of search and rescue protocol and avalanche education that followed