
Out Of Bounds

Winter Finally Arrives

By the time the Pineapple Express makes it to the Rocky Mountains, it’s usually all snow

Ghost of the Woods

I first became acquainted with mountain quail years ago when I lived in a cabin in the mountains of Southern California

Hunting the Holidays

I hope to sneak a few valley or mountain quail onto the platter next to the roast turkey this Thanksgiving

Pigeons of the Pyrenees

Market hunting is considered one of the main causes of the extinction of the passenger pigeon in the late 1800s

Access on the Ballot

If you love recreating on Montana’s rivers, you better figure out who is who before you vote

The Bee’s Knees

I have become increasingly aware that there’s a hunting life expectancy in this body of mine

Bears on the Move

A hunter scouting in southwest Montana near Ennis was mauled not once, but twice, yet lived to tell about it

Battle at the Fence

Deer and elk leap over fences but pronghorn are baffled by the vertical obstructions

When Hunting Was Cool

The best way to ensure folks don’t move from the neutral to the anti-hunting camp is to convert them ourselves