
Posts By: Kellyn Brown

Drudge as Montana’s Editor for the Week

Montana made national headlines in the days leading to 2009’s exit. First, there was the controversy, or non-controversy (depending on your point of view), surrounding our senior Sen. Max Baucus’ floor speech defending the Democrats’ health care plan. Then there were the Bozeman tennis courts. These stories aren’t at all related, but they each show […]

By Kellyn Brown

Don’t Group Libby With Other ‘Winners’

Democrats in the U.S. Senate are accused of buying and bartering for votes in order to muster a filibuster-proof majority to pass health care legislation on Christmas Eve. The criticism is warranted in many cases, but not in Libby’s. If you have been following the health care debate, even in passing, you have probably seen […]

By Kellyn Brown

What Hard Times?

By the time I erect a small fake Christmas tree in the corner of my living room, decorate it and place presents by its plastic trunk, it is almost time to take it down again. So goes the speed with which the holiday season passes. From parties to shopping, from traveling to baking, December sure […]

By Kellyn Brown

Candor at Kalispell City Hall

Jane Howington has been the manager of Kalispell for about four months, but only lately have we begun to see how she may put her mark on the city. The former Ohioan has become increasingly visible as a new city council is about to be sworn in and a number of controversial issues have come […]

By Kellyn Brown

Fixing an Ambiguous Medical Marijuana Law

Problems with Montana’s medical marijuana law will only escalate from here. What’s odd is that it took five years from the time voters overwhelmingly approved legalizing the drug for medicinal purposes to reach this point. In Whitefish, after people began approaching the planning director about “caregivers” opening medical marijuana dispensaries within city limits, the first […]

By Kellyn Brown

Passing a Bad Tax Bill

Local protests against reappraisals have grown louder in recent weeks, while the way in which the formula for deciding these disputed property taxes came to be is all but forgotten. Every six years, Montana’s citizen Legislature is charged with coming up with a plan that determines how much the state collects from its citizens owning […]

By Kellyn Brown

Montana’s Obama Disapproval

President Barack Obama’s staff may want to rethink focusing on Montana in 2012. The president’s national targeting director Ken Strasma told the blog fivethirtyeight.com in August that he viewed our state as the “no. 1 pick to flip” from red to blue in the next presidential election. But according to an MSU-Billings poll released last […]

By Kellyn Brown

The Amateurs are All Right

Montana’s tax collections are down. The Short-Term Investment Pool program is offering such weak returns that counties are pulling out their money. And the state’s pension system has lost nearly 21 percent of its value since last year and, at its current rate, will be more than $2 billion in the hole in 30 years. […]

By Kellyn Brown

Tammi Fisher’s Mandate

It was not surprising that Tammi Fisher won Kalispell’s mayoral race, but the margin with which she did it certainly was. She beat incumbent Mayor Pam Kennedy by more than 25 percentage points (63-37) in a defeat that cannot be blamed on low turnout in an off-election year. At 31 percent, it was actually quite […]

By Kellyn Brown

Road No Longer a Mirage

In January, I posed a question on flatheadbeacon.com asking when the U.S. Highway 93 Bypass would be finished. Of the 127 readers who responded to the unscientific poll, 53 percent of them said “never.” And who could blame them? The idea of building a highway to circumvent downtown Kalispell had been discussed for decades. Then, […]

By Kellyn Brown

The Past as a Blueprint

At a candidate forum last week, the moderator asked the six contenders for city council their opinion of downtown Kalispell. It was an area in which all of them agreed – they support its prosperity. Yet as someone who has worked in the center of the city, albeit for just over two years, it’s hard […]

By Kellyn Brown

Party Moderate Purge

In response to Democratic Sen. Max Baucus’ health care votes against the public option (or government-run insurance plan), liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas has aimed his sights squarely on Montana’s senior senator, vowing to strongly oppose him if he seeks reelection. In 2014, Moulitsas hopes to lure Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer as a primary opponent for […]

By Kellyn Brown

Running From the Borders

Years from now, historians may not agree on whether the federal stimulus plan was effective in reigniting the country’s flailing economy. What should be settled, however, is that the taxpayer-funded program – like others before it – is heavy on waste. This isn’t a referendum on the broader effectiveness of the so-called “American Recovery and […]

By Kellyn Brown

Premature Eulogy for Baucus’ Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hopes to see it “modified.” Wyoming Republican Sen. Mike Enzi says it “spends too much, and it does too little to cut health care costs.” West Virginia Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller claims that it follows a model that has “largely failed.” Even the White House’s response to Montana Sen. Max Baucus’ […]

By Kellyn Brown

Economics are Local

Just days after Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer issued his “Labor Day Report” that was cautiously optimistic about the state’s economy, the Federal Reserve struck the same tone in its regular government survey of the national one. But how this will trickle down into jobs for the hundreds of under- and unemployed in the Flathead is, […]

By Kellyn Brown

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