
Continental Divides

Continental Divides

Sullying the Stars and Stripes

The untoward spectacle, just recently coming to light, raises further concerns about ethics and impartiality on the nation’s highest bench

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Conspiracies and Elections

Backed by hundreds of supporters in the state, a citizen cabal went so far last summer as to assert: “Montana’s entire election infrastructure has been corrupted”

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

To be Humble is a Duty

In the wake of World War II, veterans rarely if ever boasted about their military experiences. Ditto with Korea and Vietnam.

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Anybody Here from Montana?

It’s reached a point where the weathered cowboy standing next to you in the Murdoch’s line probably isn’t even from here

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

A Democrat, by Golly

Monica Tranel says she is banking on character traits – hers and her opponent’s – eclipsing party affiliation

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Facts are Facts, Folks

Like it or not, the real culprit for low lake levels isn’t SKQ

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Playing Follow the Leader

Whatever’s left of the Grand Old Party has become the reason that the border calamity continues

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Titanic Bridge Carries its Final Load

Now the only way in and out of burgeoning Bigfork is via Grand Drive, which is bearing the brunt of the added traffic

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Grab a Dishtowel or Three

Opinions surrounding hot-button issues like how to effectively deal with homeless populations have been known to change when one has a better grasp of the facts

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Grizzly Bears Beware

Rather than being vague hopefully the language and guidelines surrounding this state’s kill permits will be strict

By John McCaslin
Continental Divides

Believing in Christmas

Santa Claus is very much alive and well in the hearts, minds, and efforts of those who think of others and give freely without thought of reward

By John McCaslin