
Posts By: Kellyn Brown

The Port to Nowhere

It would be difficult to find a better example of wasted stimulus dollars than those already spent to upgrade the Whitetail Port of Entry northeast of Scobey. Many of our readers have aptly compared it to the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere.” Let’s take a look at the two projects, shall we, and pore over evidence […]

By Kellyn Brown

Childs’ Play

A recent Kids Count survey found that Montana’s students are dropping out of school at some of the highest rates the country. The numbers are disheartening and just another excuse to analyze the area’s youth and discuss what can be done to keep them in line. When reports like this are released, it’s easy for […]

By Kellyn Brown

Sex Ed Sabotage

Like presidents before him, President Barack Obama claimed to have the fanciful goal of moving “beyond partisan politics.” So did former President George W. Bush, who repeated, “I’m a uniter, not a divider” during his campaign for the nation’s highest office. Those hopes, of course, didn’t work out as planned for either of them. I […]

By Kellyn Brown

The Long Road Ahead

There are two extreme camps at each end of the debate over how the economy will fare in the coming years: one that predicts unemployment rolls rising to 20 percent or higher and another that sees the economy sharply turning a corner over the next several months. The reality, most likely, lies somewhere in between, […]

By Kellyn Brown

Rhetoric on Fire

The rhetoric in the race for Montana’s congressional seat had already reached laughable levels. But it somehow intensified further after Rehberg Ranch Estates – owned by incumbent Rep. Denny Rehberg and his wife, Jan – filed a lawsuit against the city of Billings alleging that it didn’t do enough to protect the subdivision from a […]

By Kellyn Brown

Newsroom Tragedy

One of the hardest things for a newsroom to do is report on itself. Kalispell’s Daily Inter Lake has been in that position since first covering the story of a missing plane that involved two of its reporters. Journalists who weren’t gathering information about their colleagues last week were searching for them along the Flathead […]

By Kellyn Brown

Role Reversal

It was early 2009 when, following the tragic death of its finance director and departure of its city manager, Whitefish began to get its finances in order. Amid a recession that had hammered budgets elsewhere, the municipality remained quite optimistic. It reported having robust cash reserves and officials there were confident building permits would pick […]

By Kellyn Brown

Fighting Words

BOZEMAN – The first debate of the campaign season between incumbent Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg and Democratic challenger Dennis McDonald was the first time I have ever seen the two men in the same room. It appears that they don’t much like each other. In front of an audience of 100, about a quarter of […]

By Kellyn Brown

Not Enthused

There was speculation among those milling around the Flathead County Courthouse on the night of the primary elections that several Democratic voters must have “crossed over.” The Republican ballot, after all, featured more closely contested races and every candidate who filed in the sheriff’s race. But that alone doesn’t explain the staggering discrepancy. In Flathead […]

By Kellyn Brown

Off Message

It’s hard to know what to make of Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s recent criticism of his “federal partners” for, according to him, failing to secure $17 million to compensate Canadian mining companies so they will abandon their mining leases near Glacier National Park. By federal partners, the governor was referring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and […]

By Kellyn Brown

Political Clout

It’s difficult to judge which special interest groups can best influence our local elections. These groups, or individuals, can ably draw attention to specific candidates and issues through advertising, public gatherings and lawsuits. But how that translates into votes is far less clear. Recently, the conservative pro-property rights group American Dream Montana announced its ambitious […]

By Kellyn Brown

Sharing Credit

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer deserves a lot of credit for a state budget that is clinging to the black amid the worst recession in a generation. As a Democrat, he is considered a fiscal conservative, which is rare for his party. But as he becomes increasingly attractive to the national press that continues to feature […]

By Kellyn Brown

Campaigning in Circles

For those running for elected office, experience matters. Each candidate’s pitch to voters includes a lengthy biography of accomplishments, awards and pertinent endorsements from those already working in the public sector. The pedigrees are familiar and, often, so are the faces. It can be maddeningly cyclical. When glancing at this year’s local election roster, you […]

By Kellyn Brown

Selling Kalispell

Whenever a tax is involved the issue is sure to be criticized, often with merit. But there is little to dislike about the recently created Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District, which allows participating hotels to charge guests a $1.25 fee per night and use that money to promote tourism in the city. The room for […]

By Kellyn Brown

Limits of the Two-Party Primary

Most of us consider Montana’s primaries to be “open” in that anyone can vote by simply choosing to fill out a Democratic or Republican ballot on June 8. But there are limits to that openness since, while you don’t have to register with either political party to participate, you are still pigeonholed into picking between […]

By Kellyn Brown

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