
Posts By: Kellyn Brown

The Student-Loan Bubble

Last month, a legislative subcommittee approved a $28 million increase in spending on higher education, which will effectively freeze tuition for in-state students through 2015 if Montana’s universities and colleges meet certain performance standards. That’s a decent tradeoff, especially as student loan debt begins to resemble a bubble. The amount of money students borrow to […]

By Kellyn Brown

Support for Convention Center

It’s true. We have been down this road before. A developer or organization proposes a performing arts, convention or town center in the Flathead Valley. And those plans either stall or are scrapped entirely. In 2008, the Kalispell City Council approved the largest development in the history of Flathead County. Glacier Town Center would have […]

By Kellyn Brown

Stoking Speculation

Last week the Democratic-leaning firm, Public Policy Polling, released a survey of potential matchups in Montana’s 2014 U.S. Senate race. Right now, one Republican has declared he is running and another has said he is considering running for the seat currently held by Sen. Max Baucus. But PPP also polled hypothetical matchups, which were far […]

By Kellyn Brown

Go Big

I envy the architects and engineers who are asked to produce renderings of what the future could look like, especially when they are allowed the freedom to present their vision with few limitations. Especially when they go big. Often these drawings of new landscapes and grand structures are altogether improbable. The Kalispell Core Area Revitalization […]

By Kellyn Brown

Unfair Playing Field

In 1947, Montana officials enacted a quota system that allowed one tavern with a liquor license for every 1,500 people. I wish I could travel back in time and tell them what a dumb idea that was. Since their implementation, the state’s alcohol rules have been unfair. For one, established taverns were grandfathered in, so […]

By Kellyn Brown

More Than a Figurehead

Since Kalispell does not have a strong mayor system in place – that is, a full-time elected city administrator – whoever replaces Tammi Fisher is less consequential to the overall direction of city government. But it still matters. Whether fair, the title alone conjures high expectations. In reality, the next mayor will simply be the […]

By Kellyn Brown

Reality Check

When the ABC reality show “The Bachelor” arrived in Whitefish last fall, it was a big deal. Central Avenue was shut down. Country singer Sarah Darling performed on stage. Hundreds of people lined the street. And there was Sean Lowe, the star of this season, embracing one of the contestants under perfect lighting. The scene […]

By Kellyn Brown

Family Matters

There are alarming details in Great Falls Tribune reporter John Adams’ story about leaked emails sent by Republicans in the state Senate, and the story pokes several holes in the overarching narrative that the new leadership touted in the run-up to the legislative session. In an interview with the Beacon just a few weeks before […]

By Kellyn Brown

Dark Money’s Influence

The first debate between Democratic Sen. Jon Tester and his Republican challenger Congressman Denny Rehberg was in June of last year in Big Sky at the Montana Newspaper Association’s annual conference. There, the two men disagreed on just about everything. But one exchange that stood out was Tester’s and Rehberg’s differing opinions on the U.S. […]

By Kellyn Brown

Another Bad Deal

Stocks surged the day after Democrats and Republicans in Congress reached a compromise to avoid sending the country over the fiscal cliff, but fewer people invest in stocks anymore, so fewer people cared. According to a recent Gallup poll, 54 percent of Americans say they hold stocks, the lowest level since the polling firm began […]

By Kellyn Brown

Main Street Memories

Whenever a year wraps up we are inundated with lists that subjectively measure everything. Songs, political moments, cat photos, you name it. So, I thought it would be appropriate to compile my own list of memorable moments from the Flathead Beacon newsroom, except I’m going to span its entire five-and-a-half year history. For those of […]

By Kellyn Brown

Delusional Optimism

Over the years I’ve been accused of being overly optimistic in what I’ve written in this space – in fact, descriptions have included “delusional” and “naïve.” The accusations have some merit. But I embrace the criticism with some pride if the alternative is telling readers they should lock themselves in their homes and give up […]

By Kellyn Brown

Disclosure Matters

Following District Judge Jeffrey Sherlock’s ruling last week that American Tradition Partnership must disclose its financial records, Attorney General Steve Bullock, who is also the governor elect, said this is “the beginning of the end of ATP’s lawless activities in the state of Montana.” That may be premature, but the judge’s decision is certainly a […]

By Kellyn Brown

Death by Duck Stamp?

Last week, a popular bill that would expand access for hunters and anglers and had previously enjoyed bipartisan support was blocked in the U.S. Senate for reasons no one quite understands. For now, duck stamps are being blamed. Yes, duck stamps. The Sportsmen’s Act, whose lead sponsor is Montana Sen. Jon Tester, appeared to have […]

By Kellyn Brown

Some Thanks

This year, we were told a lot of things are awful. Politicians were horrible, their policies were worse and we were doomed no matter the outcome. But then the election passed and the majority of us are moving on whether our preferred candidates won. To be sure, not everyone is. People in every state have […]

By Kellyn Brown

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